Saturday 26 April 2014

Hostage Three by Nick Lake

In Nick Lake's book the main thing that i noticed was how the book was structured. It begins with a chapter on events that are yet to happen in the story that the main character, Amy, is telling us. Then there will be pauses that are suitable to add tension and drama to the plot, and the let the reader settle on what they have just read. I'm mentioning the structure because i found it really interesting in how it adds to the books quality and improves the reading experience.

In the plot of the book we follow Amy as she tells us the story of how she was a hostage to pirates. Throughout the book there is action, tension, suspicion and mystery, as well as the typical teenage drama. However don't let that put you off because Lake has approached it in a unique way and was not something i was expecting. By the end of the novel it had me filled with different emotions and overall i thoroughly enjoyed reading this book!

When the pirates are introduced Lake has included details about their life and how they have to survive and the past of their country. He has almost made these characters appear as the innocent ones  to make the reader feel sorry for them. 

Overall a great book to read with many details and some lovely life quotes. Was also enjoyable to follow Amy on this experience!

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