Wednesday 5 March 2014

Bitter Angel by Megan Hand

Very gripping novel that had me reading and reading and reading!

One thing that i noticed most about Megan Hand's book is how descriptive she has been! When reading i found it really easily to image what was happening in the moment because we are given little details to help build the image up in our minds. The description successfully made the book engaging and enjoyable to read.

At first i wasn't sure what to expect from the story, i thought maybe it would be a comparison of the two different realities throughout, which it turned out not to be. It begins like this but easily flows out into present time, which works nicely to not complicate things. Talking about description, i found that certain scenes in the book were hard to read because of the vividness of the image, which i'm saying is a good thing because Hand has done her job well to create this disturbing event.

The character, Lila, is very strong (which we read throughout the book) and had me rooting for her throughout her troubles. She is such an interesting and funny character to follow, it made the book that more enjoyable. Yes, in parts she may come across as a little foolish but i think that just shows her bravery and attitude to everything.

An engaging novel that kept me reading from start to finish. Another nice change from the usual books i read!

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